Friday 24th January 2025

Friday 7th February | Dress in Red for Show Racism the Red Card |
Friday 14th February | Break up for half term |
Monday 24th February | Children return to school |
Friday 28th February | FOBS Quiz Night |
Thursday 4th March | Year 5 Halle Visit |
Friday 14th March | Open Afternoon |
Wednesday 26th March | Parents' Evening |
Friday 28th March | School Sponsored Run - FOBS |
Friday 4th April | School Closes for Easter |
Tuesday 22nd April | Children return to school |
Wednesday 30th April | Year 4 Conway Residential |
Friday 2nd May | Infant May Day |
Monday 5th May | Bank Holiday |
Monday 12th May | Year 6 SATs Week |
Friday 16th May | Bexfest |
Friday 23rd May | School Closes |
Pupil Data Collection
A reminder to please complete the Pupil Data Collection form, we have currently only received 54 responses. This is an important step in our data-checking exercise, and we would greatly appreciate your time in completing it. Along with this, we are also re-sending the Pupil Privacy Notice for your reference, which explains how we collect, use, and protect your child’s personal data. Please take a moment to read the notice and complete the form using this link:
If you have any questions, feel free to contact our Business Manager, Arran Rimmer, directly as the school’s Data Protection Officer Thank you for your support in this important process.
Sports Week 2025 Volunteers
As we begin planning for our upcoming Sports Week (week beginning June 16th), we are looking for parents who have sporting skills or are involved in local sporting clubs that would be willing to offer trial sessions or workshops for our children.
If you are able to contribute, whether it’s coaching a specific sport, leading a fitness activity, or showcasing a unique skill, we would love to hear from you! Or perhaps you could lead an inspirational assembly on your sporting successes? In exchange for your support, we will promote your sporting club to our school community.
If you're interested or have any questions, please contact Mrs Rea or email the school office on We look forward to working together to make this year’s Sports Week a memorable one!
February Holiday Club
Please see our February Holiday Club timetable and prices. To book a place please visit your Scopay account, places will become available on Monday 27th January and will close on Thursday 6th February. If you have any further enquires please email

January Musician of the Month
January's musician of the month is Florence Price, an American classical composer, pianist, organist and music teacher. The children have learned about her in assembly and listened to some of her music. Attached is the home information sheet so that you can enjoy her music together too.
Year 6 Reading Corner
Here is a wonderful picture of some of our Year 6 pupils enjoying reading their favourite books in the reading corner. It is a cozy space where the children can relax, unwind and escape into the world of books.

The Big Garden Bird Watch 24th - 26th January
This weekend The Big Garden Bird Watch is taking place. Please click on the link for more information on how to encourage birds to visit your garden.

Mad Science
There are still Junior places remaining for Mad Science which will be taking place next half term. If you would like to book a place for your child, please click on the link

Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to Florence, thank you for your wonderful book!