An Authentic Curriculum
The curriculum is all of the planned activities that we organise to promote learning, personal growth and development. We teach the National Curriculum, but we personalise the curriculum to include activities that will enrich the school experience for all children. Please see the schemes of work at the bottom of this page.
Our curriculum is organised to achieve our school vision and includes these curriculum aims:
We will use authentic learning experiences
- The curriculum offers the child the right to experience, develop and practice creativity as an entitlement. Creativity extends beyond the artistic sense and allows for development of fluency of knowledge and ideas through experimentation, connection and play.
- The curriculum will utilise use big questions, real life projects, stories and drama to take learning from the hypothetical into the real and relevant.
- The curriculum endeavors to involve the community, to utilising the skills and knowledge in the local community and parent body.
- The curriculum enables children to make a difference in their local and wider community.
Encourage a love of learning
- The curriculum enables children to develop empathy with other points of view and perspectives. They will use that empathy to move into action to improve the lives of others.
- Teachers will personalise the key knowledge that children need to know, to deliver the learning in ways that engage, motivate and inspire children in issues they are passionate about.
- Teachers will be given time together to plan quality learning experiences, to inspire ideas and to evaluate the impact on children’s learning.
- The curriculum also acts compassionately towards all children, it is inclusive and celebrates diversity.
Give enriching memorable moments
- The curriculum is clear about what the children will know (propositional knowledge) and will be able to do (procedural?knowledge). It is ambitious & covers the National Curriculum.
- The curriculum is planned so that it builds a progressive understanding of ideas, key concepts, chronology and themes.
- The curriculum will allow for natural links between subjects, connecting learning within and across domains of knowledge. It then can strengthen & deepen children’sl earning experiences.
Children with special educational needs are fully included in our authentic curriculum. We ensure that our teaching methods and inclusive and meet the needs of all children.
Part of our curriculum is delivered through our Ethical Enterprise initiative. Three charities are chosen each year for the school to support through fundraising and for the children to learn about the work that they do. The charities reflect local, national and global concerns and are carefully chosen in consultation with children and staff.
Ofsted visited in Febuary 2018 and they said ‘Leaders and staff have planned the curriculum thoroughly. Known by all as the ‘Ethical Enterprise’ curriculum, subjects inspire pupils and offer them rich learning experiences that enhance academic progress as well as promoting personal development extremely well.’
Recent examples of Ethical Enterprise are:
Cheshire Wildlife Trust: The school linked up with this charity as part of our ‘Hedgehog’ focus week in the autumn term. Volunteers from the charity came in to talk to the children and teach them about local habitats and how to make their gardens hedgehog friendly. The children also made wildlife pledges and the school became an official ‘Wilder School’ which means on-going collaboration with the charity.
Amnesty International: The school raised money for this charity during their whole school focus on ‘Refugee Week’. During this week the children learnt about the journeys refugees often have to make and how to make someone feel welcome in our school and more widely, in our communities.
Age UK Cheshire East: During this project the children took part in an art competition where they drew a picture of an older person who means a lot to them. They also learnt how older people are perceived in countries such as Japan and India as part of the United Nations International Older Persons Day. Age UK Cheshire East led assemblies around dementia awareness. Our Year 5 children took part in a tea party where we invited children from the other primary schools in Knutsford and local older residents to enjoy some singing and cake. Year 5 also visited a local care home (Lostock Lodge) where they chatted and played games with the residents. This has led to an on-going relationship between the care home and the school, a fantastic legacy of the project.
Other charities we have supported: Place2Be, Cool Earth, Help for Heroes, Marine Conservation Society, Knutsford Heartstart, Firefighters Charity, The Children’s Adventure Farm Trust, The Bumblebee Conservation Trust, Retrack, Guide Dogs, RNLI, Royal British Legion, Little Big Africa, Lower Moss Wood, Hampers for Hope.
We have also run a number of curriculum events to support the delivery of the curriculum and enrich the school experience for our children:
Great Science Share: For a whole day, children were able to take part in science investigations that other year groups had set up. This allowed children to run the investigations and lots of collaboration, questions and discussions during the day. At the end of the day, parents and carers were invited to come and also take part in some of the science investigations.
Mother Tongue Languages Day: In Key Stage 2, the children spent a day visiting different classrooms to take part in activities related to different languages. The reception children were also invited to come to a French Café that their Year 6 buddies were running. Scan this code to watch a video of the day.
Caine’s Arcade: In July 2022, the children took part in a whole school design technology day. They were inspired by the video about a little boy called Caine, who created his own arcade games out of cardboard. The children planned, designed, made, played and evaluated their games. This was two days where they were able to demonstrate all the skills they had learnt in their design technology lessons all year.
Internet Safety Day 2022: Children took part in lots of activities linked to Internet Safety Day and they made a video to share some important messages- please watch it by scanning the QR code.
Please see our long term plans and schemes of work for more detailed information about how our curriculum is planned.
Medium term plans are also available on each year group’s page.